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For your convenience we proudly accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa credit cards and debit cards for payment products and services. Credit/debit card payment is required for all online website calendar orders.
To prepay by check, contact us at 1-978-410-5152 or and request a formal written price estimate. Once your signed and approved estimate with prepayment check is received by us, we’ll contact you to confirm receipt and initiate your project.
We also accept preauthorized purchase orders from educational institutions, U.S. and State Government agencies and offices, hospital and healthcare entities, and most non-profit organizations. Please complete and return our Credit Application for our review and approval prior to submitting any purchase orders.
Please contact us directly if you require a completed W9 form for vendor setup.
Merchant provider:
PayPal, Inc
7700 Eastport Parkway
LaVista, NE 68128
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Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate
AO Kaspersky Lab